Introducing the naturally healthy

She undermines our most ambitious plans and dreams. But it is not

always possible to defeat her with a simple effort of will. You need to act more cunning. Debunge myths and offer tricks that will help to overcome laziness.

Myth No. 1: We must always be motivated to do something

This seems obvious: the more we want to achieve something, the less likely that we will be lazy. But in reality, the desire is not always tantamount to the readiness to act.

As says Tim wrote, an expert on procrastination, “we need to get rid of the error that our level of motivation must certainly correspond to the problem that needs to be solved at the moment”.

Sometimes we do not want to do something at all, but we do it anyway. And vice versa, we can dream about the realization of our plan, but not to decide to start its implementation.

Try it:

It is important that you realize: your action or inaction has a direct impact on the fact that you eventually receive. Create a bridge between action and result in your head.

Use the designs “if” then “. For example, “If today I will not write two pages of the dissertation, I can’t finish it for the deadline”. Or: “If I do this exercise now, then in the future I can be proud of myself”.

Myth No. 2: The best way to achieve the goal is to say “just do it”

“Don’t try. Just do it”. This position, supported by manufacturers of sneakers, may seem effective. But this applies to goals that can be achieved using a one -time will voltage.

But most long -term goals suggest that we need to go a long and difficult path consisting of many steps. The requirement “Make this” turns it into one protracted jump, which must be done in one breath. Too hard installation will make it possible to get out of the distance.

Try it:

Instead of drinking strength before a sprint jerk, concentrate in the first step. When we take the first step forward, the second is easier. The body is arranged so that it adapts to the loads gradually.

Instead of the slogan “Just do this” learn another – “just start”. You will feel that you are no longer in front of you, which is almost impossible to climb, but a steep, but passable road to the top.

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